Worship is at the center of our life together as a congregation. We trust that this is one of the central places where God meets us as we hear God’s word to us and gather around Christ’s Table to receive Holy Communion. For this reason, we strongly encourage all of our members to be regular in worship. Each time we gather as God’s people we have an opportunity to hear the good news of God’s love and forgiveness.


Worship Time 

Sunday morning worship is at 9:00am and is held both in-person and online. Sunday services are live-streamed on our Facebook page and are later uploaded to our YouTube channel for viewing at any time.

Worship on Wednesdays (WOW) is held during the school year from 6-6:30pm and is an abbreviated version of the service from the prior Sunday.

Services are held in the sanctuary, except for one Sunday a month in the summertime when we Worship Without Walls in our backyard.

Communion is served both Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.


Online Worship

We are live streaming our Sunday morning worship service on Facebook at 9:00am. The service can be viewed after on our YouTube page. Click on the logos below to go to our pages.

YouTube Logo





Worship Participation

You will notice that many members of the congregation participate in leadership roles in our worship. Lay people serve as assisting ministers, readers, worship team members, ushers, greeters, and musicians. We strongly encourage this participation by people of all ages.


Children in Worship

Having children in worship is an important value to our congregation. To help make worship meaningful for them, we provide a children’s message each week, as well as activity bags and children’s bulletins. Because we welcome and encourage children to be in worship, we recognize that there will be activity and a certain noise level in the sanctuary during our services.

Of course, there may also be times when parents wish to use a nursery for their children. The nursery is available for use but is not staffed.


Holy Communion

Holy Communion is offered at our Sunday services (and at our Wednesday evening services, which are held during the school year). We trust that as we receive this sacrament, Christ is truly present and offers himself to us as we eat and drink. We practice open communion in our congregation, which means that all baptized Christians who trust that Christ is present in the Lord’s Supper and have been instructed in the sacrament are welcome to commune regardless of church or denominational background. Children who are not yet communing are welcome to come to the front for a blessing.


First Communion 

Parents may decide when they believe their child is ready to attend communion instruction and receive their First Communion. Most children come to the Lord’s Table for the first time sometime between first and fifth grade. We trust parents to decide on the age that is most appropriate for their children. Communion instruction usually takes place during the season of Lent.


Holy Baptism

We baptize both children and adults in our congregation. When adults are baptized, they meet with the pastor to prepare for the event. When infants or children are baptized, the parents (and sponsors if possible) discuss the event with the pastor. Except in case of an emergency, baptisms take place during a regular worship service so that the congregation may participate in the event.  Please complete the from below and email it to rlc@rlcstjoe.com.

Baptism Information



If you are preparing for a wedding, it is important to contact the church as soon as possible to be sure that the building and the pastor are available on the dates you are considering. If you are being married at Resurrection, a pre-marriage class is required.


Illness or Hospitalization

Please notify the church in times of serious illness or hospitalization (320) 363-4232. We want to be able to visit you in the hospital and remember you in prayer. The hospital does not notify the church when members are hospitalized, so we need your help in this area.

Additionally if you, a loved one, or friend, would like to be included in the prayers of our congregation, please contact the church office. Because of confidentiality concerns, we seek to include in public prayers only those who have given us permission to do so.



If you are looking to have a Funeral or Memorial Service at RLC please call or email the church office. Please included the name of the funeral home you are using and the tentative date of the proceeding. We are sorry for your loss and we are here to help you navigate this difficult time.

Phone: 320-262-4232

Email rlc@rlcstjoe.com