Worship Volunteers

At Resurrection we have many opportunities for members to be involved and enhance the worship experience.



Ushers/Greeters stand at the door greeting worshipers as they come into the church, pass out bulletins at the beginning of the service, count the number of people in worship, collect the offering, usher worshippers up for communion, and straighten up the sanctuary following the service by collecting stray bulletins and putting pew hymnals and Bibles back in their place.



Acolytes light candles before the service and extinguish candles at the end of the service.



Readers read the first and second readings from the lectern during worship.


Communion Assistants

Communion assistants prepare communion for the service by putting out the bread, wine, and grape juice. They assist with serving communion and then clean up after the service.


Fellowship Hosts

Fellowship hosts make coffee and juice and set out treats they have brought to serve following the service on Sunday. They are also responsible for cleaning up after fellowship. Clean-up includes washing and putting away coffee cups and any dishes used, emptying and rinsing out coffee pots, emptying coffee grounds, emptying the juice container and washing it out, and wiping down the beverage counter and tables.


Assistant Ministers (*Trained Position)

Assistant ministers help lead liturgy, prayers, & serve communion.


OBS Operators (*Trained Position)

OBS Operators livestream the service on Facebook and post to YouTube.


*If you are interested in training for the Assistant Minister or OBS positions, please email the church office and we will put you in contact with a mentor who can help.

Phone: 320-363-4232

Email: rlc@rlcstjoe.com

Sign-up online or in person (Clipboard in the Narthex) 

Click Here to Sign up! 


Christian Education 

The Christian Education Committee focuses on education for Pre-K through 6th grade and Vacation Bible School (VBS) which is offered at RLC. This committee chooses curriculum, organizes volunteer teachers and helpers needed, plans various activities (including first and last days of our education time each school year), and works with the other churches in the St. Joseph area to organize VBS.



The Finance Committee is responsible for assuring that all financial affairs of the congregation are being conducted efficiently, accurately and in a secure manner. The committee is responsible for the accounts of the treasurer, financial secretary and for the financial accounts of other organizations within the congregation. The financial status is posted monthly in the church.

The Finance Committee annually proposes a budget, including payroll (as requested by the Executive Committee), utilities, day-to-day expense and benevolence, to the church council for its consideration and then to the annual congregational meeting for approval.


Mutual Ministry/Staff Support

The Mutual Ministry/Staff Support Committee supports the mission of the congregation by affirming and praying for the staff. Staff appreciation events include the celebration of special events for individual staff members and periodic luncheons for the whole staff. The Committee meets on an “as needed” basis, usually 2-4 times a year.



The Outreach Team’s mission is to introduce the church to the surrounding community and to encourage people to become involved in the mission of Resurrection. RLC partners with other church committees and local community organizations to increase the visibility of the church in the surrounding area. Among other things, this committee organizes all efforts to support the homeless ministry of People’s Church, an ELCA church in Bemidji. Other mission work includes collecting school supplies and warm winter wear for those in need, collecting food donations for the St. Joseph Area Food Shelf, hosting breakfasts, selling pizzas, and hosting the annual Holiday Craft Fair.



The primary function of the Property Committee is to ensure that the church is a clean, safe, and inviting place to enjoy. We head up small groups to cut the 5 acres of lawn, maintain the inside and outside of the building, and enlist the help of other church members and committees to decorate the church for the appropriate seasons.  We are also enlisted to help plan, coordinate, and accomplish projects inside and outside the church.

We rely heavily on the volunteering of our membership and encourage everyone to make time to help when help is needed. You can look for the help wanted ads that usually are part of the Sunday bulletins and thank you in advance for any and all help you can provide.

The property committee welcomes all suggestions and ideas on improving the church’s appearance and helping in the maintenance.


Social Justice

The goal of the Social Justice Committee of Resurrection Lutheran Church is to identify and change systems that perpetuate poverty and injustice.

Together with St. Joseph Catholic Church we created an organization called Cultural Bridges several years ago. Also involved with Cultural Bridges are St. John the Baptist Catholic Church of Collegeville, the St. Joseph Monastery, the local community, and Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization which provides our liability insurance and other resources.

Cultural Bridges’ goal is to welcome refugees and immigrants to St. Joseph as our brothers and sisters, helping to ease them into our community.  We are focusing on this with a goal of eliminating the need for our help.

Projects include:

  • English as a Second Language classes held at RLC

  • Assisting with providing school supplies

  • Community soccer and other activities for children

  • Multicultural events, e.g. potlucks and monthly activities

  • Education, e.g. Somali culture classes

  • Community Garden

  • Cultural Connections column in the local newspaper, space permitting



This committee is in charge of finding and recognizing the gifts and talents of the congregation, including the gathering of financial pledges for the church’s annual budget.


Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee works to create a meaningful worship experience. Music is an integral part of each worship service. Other important components include the Word, Prayer, and Communion. The responsibilities of the Worship and Music Committee also include changing paraments, scheduling volunteers for communion bread, and providing support for Choir Directors, Worship Coordinators, Acolytes, and Worship Hosts.


Youth and Family

The mission of the Youth and Family Committee is to work together in the spirit of our Lord to plan and present activities and resources that encourage youth and families to celebrate God, each other, and the many blessings God has given us. We are also committed to provide our youth and families with activities and resources that will help them continue to grow in their faith.



Adult Choir

Love to Sing? Consider joining the adult choir! If you would like rehearsal dates or more information, please contact the church office at (320) 363-4232.


Children’s Choir

The Children’s Choir is part of Sunday School and performs occasionally at worship services.


Praise Band

The praise band consists of vocalists and instrumentalists who lead songs during worship. If you like to sing or play an instrument, this may be the group for you!


Specialty Groups

Quilting, Knitting, & Crocheting: The Yarnovers

The Yarnovers are a group of knitters, crocheters, and quilters who enjoy doing charity work for the church and others. You’ll find their creativity at work Wednesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 a.m. until noon. The yarnovers make projects which are donated to Lutheran World Relief, the People’s Church, and the Linus Project. They also create prayer shawls for special folks with a need for extra prayer and make baby blankets which are presented to all babies baptized at RLC. Other projects are afghans, mittens, scarves, bandages for military, wee hats for infants, and gifts for the Sunday School staff. Donations of cotton fabric and various yarns are much appreciated. They welcome all willing hands!


Discussion Group

Books are the Discussion Group’s delight! Occasionally they will share a movie or take a field trip. They meet at church on the first Tuesday of the month from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon. The meetings start with a chat, a brief devotion, and treats usually associated with the theme of the current book or movie. Feel free to join them whether you have read the book or not.


Grief Group

Grief is a very difficult journey that ends up touching the lives of everyone at some point or another. While we all walk our own path and journey at our own pace, getting together with others and having conversations can help you know you’re not alone.

RLC offers a grief group discussion twice a month (generally the second and fourth Tuesdays, but watch the church calendar) at 10:00am in the Fireside Room. If you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, please consider joining us, whether that grief is fresh or ongoing. Come and share, or simply come to listen and support.